XRDP It's already installed and running on your server...
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xrdp is a free and open-source implementation of Microsoft RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) server that enables operating systems other than Microsoft Windows (such as Linux and BSD-style operating systems) to provide a fully functional RDP-compatible remote desktop experience.
According to the developers, the protocol works with rdesktop, FreeRDP and as well as Microsoft's own Remote Desktop Client.
The project requires a X Window System installation in order to function.
The project was started in mid-2004 by Jay Sorg [6] based on the work of rdesktop and FreeRDP that had previously explored implementations of the proprietary RDP protocol.
Historically, the project has been reliant on a local VNC server alongside the main installation, in order to relay the graphics to the server.
However, with the recent introduction of xorgxrdp project, this limitation has been lifted. This enables xrdp to directly work with the X Window System thus improving the user experience.